
The latest Pet Simulator 99 update introduced the Winter World to the game. It features a new map and various new units.

While the event is similar to past ones, new players might find it slightly confusing, especially if they have yet to encounter such a thing. We recommend that players give their all during the ongoing Christmas event since it has a lot to offer.

This article will offer a guide and go over all the important things you should know about the Winter World map and theevent.

A Brief Guide to Pet Simulator 99 Winter World

Entering the Winter World map

To enter the new map in Pet Simulator 99, all you have to do is load into the game and spawn in the first world. Now, head right and enter the door with the Christmas decorations. This will take you to the very first stage of the event. Here, your goal is to destroy all the breakables and earn 30k event currency to access Area 2.
You can also hatch eggs at this stage. To do so, simply interact with the egg on the left side of the area. These eggs are quite good and will help you break and collect the currency quickly. Once you have enough coins, simply click on the large screen and spend 30k coins to open the next arena.

Area 2

Once in Area 2, you will have access to new units which can be hatched from the egg. You must follow the same procedure but note that the price of each egg is more than the previous area. To proceed to Area 3, you are required to destroy 23 breakables, which should be pretty easy if you have good units.

If you lack these units, make sure to hatch a couple of eggs in this area to obtain some decent units for yourself. Once you destroy 23 breakables, pay 90k coins to move forward.

Area 3

Area 3 isn’t different from the previous ones. However, You must hatch 50 Eggs if you wish to head over to Area 4. This can be slightly difficult because the prices are higher for each egg in this area. So, we recommend spending some time taking down the breakables and collecting a good sum before moving.

Once you have hatched 50 eggs, you must pay 270k coins to unlock Area 4.

Area 4

Similar to the previous areas, you must shatter a couple of breakables, hatch a couple of eggs, and spend some coins to move forward. To proceed, you are required to hatch 150 eggs. This will get challenging if you haven’t saved up money from the previous areas.

Once you do complete this task, you will once again need to save up a lot since you need 810k coins to unlock Area 5.

The Final Area in Pet Simulator 99 Winter World

While the final area in the Winter World has a similar setup as before, the price of each egg is quite high. On top of that, you must gift other players something to have a chance of obtaining the secret Titanic unit. You can do so by interacting with the gift boxes under the huge banner right at the very end of the map.

Note that you must wait for around half an hour for the countdown to finish before you have another chance of obtaining the reward. You can use this time to farm coins and keep hatching eggs in the area.

Decorating your Christmas Tree in Pet Simulator 99

As you enter the Winter World map, you will find a Christmas Tree in the very first area with your name on top of it. You can decorate this tree for a chance of obtaining a good unit at the end. However, you won’t have anything to decorate the tree with at the beginning.

To collect decorative items, you must keep grinding in the arena and destroy as many breakables as you can. You will sometimes obtain items that can be used to decorate your tree. Once you have enough items, return to the first area, interact with the tree, and select the items to decorate it.

FAQs about Pet Simulator 99

How much does it cost to enter Area 2 in Pet Simulator 99?

To enter Area 2, you must spend 30k coins.

What is the price of each egg in Area 5 in Pet Simulator 99?

Each egg costs 4k coins to hatch.

How to win the secret Titanic unit in Winter World in Pet Simulator 99?

You must gift items to other players to win this unit.

Label: newwws

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